I read this how to:


Is about hot swap rom writing, I have done that for
motherboards that went dead, is it possible to use
roms of old motherboards to make the lan cards self
boot, use the old bios chips in the lan cards as it
says in this article, without burning the cards,
anyone with a experience who has done this. I have a
few of 3c905b-tx, and other lan cards I would like to
avoid booting from floppy without spending I also have
a few roms from socket 7 motherboards, but I don't
want to risk my lan cards doing so. anyone with
experience please tell me if this is safe or not,
course i understand the nature of doing a hot swap i
am not afraid of that i've done it, iam afraid of
damaging my lan card with the written computer bios.
thanx in advance.

also one thing i don't undestand is if i need some
option at the bios of the computer to boot from lan,
meaning if i have card with a bios chip with etherboot
and it works, how does the bios is supposed to know
where to boot, a few of my terminals are old 200mhz
pentium machines with no boot from lan option, will
they still work with this?.

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