This is me again. Sorry to disturb you fellows again. But I have some
more queries anyone having any answers ? Actually these queries have
costed me around 14 hours daily of constant reading on computer screen +
trouble shooting etc. So that is why I am asking you guys for help.
These questions may have been asked previously so sorry for that in

My queries / problems are as follows :-

1) I am trying to configure sound cards on client side. I have installed
sound package using ltsp_sound tarball. On the client side I have
creative sound blaster pro 2 on A220, IRQ5, DMA1. I have updated my
lts.conf according to instructions for this client. When I boot up the
client and log on to X windows I get an error of permissions on /dev/dsp
file. The error says that I do not have read permissions on .dev.dsp and
that this file could not be opened and that the sound server will use
/dev/null for normal operation. Before loging on to X windows, when I am
in run level 3 of the client I can see that the sound card has been
detected successfully and sound server is running. I get a warning
though which says that this card may not be a real sound blaster and if
I am sure it is then I should ignore the error. I have also gone through
the so called testing by using :
# export AUDIOSERVER=""
# /ltsp/ltsp_sound/nasbins/auinfo

which gives me some crypted type of information about gains and volume
levels. As per ltsp_sound documentation (which is insufficient as per my
opinion), "every thing is working fine if this test is passed". If
everything is fine then why I am not able to play any sounds from the
client? I am trying to run files using "Noatun" or even sound recorder
bu I get nothing. I do get a certain constant hummmmm from the speakers
at the boot up of the client. Where am I wrong ? please guide.

2) I want to install a cdrom on one of the clients, how do / can I
access / use that cdrom in the client side.

3) I am trying to write the boot roms. I have RTL8139 cards (from Planet
company). the pci id is 10ec for these cards. I have downloaded
eb-x.y.z.lzrom from the rom-o-matic site. I have written that image on a
boot-rom and placed that rom on this card. But when I try to boot from
the network card it does not. It doesn't even detect the card at all and
goes directly to floppy drive asking for boot floppy. I have tested this
on two computers. 
        a) a P-1 having an intel mother board which has proven to be a breeze
to be configured as a ltsp client. This mother board has AWARD BIOS
which has boot from Floppy, or CDROM, or SCSI or LS120. There is no
option for network boot. I have tried to boot using LS120 (which I don't
know what it is!) but no responce. The card doesn't get detected at all.

        b) A P-1 VX-PRO 2 mother board which has already given me many problems
as a ltsp client (and is still giving, in fact that is my next problem,
again). This computer has an AMI BIOS and has an ICONIC type of BIOS
interface having boot from NETWORK option. I have tried to boot it from
the network from this computer using the same card but again the card
doesn't get detected and again the computer asks for a boot floppy. 
I have tried instructions on the rom-o-matic page to test the rom images
first but that method does not work. I have downloaded and compiled
etherboot package so that I can get boot1a.bin file to attach with the
rom image but in short that method didn't work at least for the past two
days. Any ideas ? this question may not have been here and would
probably have been on etherboot discussion page but I am asking any one
here if he had any experience as I had ?

4) (Last problem for now. :) Again the same legendary PCI cards problem.
They give poor colors on my Pentium 1 VX-PRO-2 boards. I am sure that
just because of the color scheme (probably 4 bit now or 8 bit) my these
clients are performing poorly. Any ideas to improve the color schemes of
these clients? To give you a hint, let me tell you that despite of
giving blue background on the ltsp logon screen these terminals show a
poor green color. I am currently using vesa drivers for these cards
(SIS, Trident and OPTI) which was suggested to me my some gentleman
here. Any new ideas on this topic ?

Best regards,

Computer bugs are like ship-wrecks, they are not found unless they want
to be found."

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