Hello Rob,

RK> I basically followed the instructions on
RK> http://www.ltsp.org/contrib/customkernel.html

RK> Which works, but gives the "wrong" logo.

RK> The themes and other info came from http://lpp.freelords.org/About.phtml

RK> but I didn`t get very far with that. Their patch isn`t for the 2.4.18
RK> kernel.

I didn't get far on that address. Thanks to their provider, "KONTENT",
it seems not to be reachable at this very moment.


has some themes. Download a .bz2 file, which contains several themes
(each either as tar.gz or tar.bz2). To each theme, there is a
linux_logo.h. Replace the file
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/linux_logo.h by that (make a backup) and
compile a next kernel.

I have not (yet) tested any of that themes, but I don't have any
reason to doubt they work. Find a nice one, enjoy.

RK> I am working on SuSE 8.1, though in this case all the source files etc are
RK> downloaded from the net as per
RK> the instructions so it should be a standard linux kernel rather than SuSE`s.

Better so :-) Had bad luck applying some patches to
SuSE-kernelsources. They heavily work on their kernels.

RK> Doe`s this help anyone spot what I have done wrong?

Nothing wrong. Try to replace that file, and report again.

RK> Rob Keeling
RK> Network Manager
RK> Queen Elizabeth`s Grammar School

Best regards,
 Anselm                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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