On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 09:12:11AM -1000, Ted Kanemori wrote:
> The script includes:  "for new in .screenrc .gtkrc .kde .gnome-desktop"
> You suggest: "notice that .gnome-desktop is copied and not Desktop."
> /etc/skel contains .kde, .gtkrc and Desktop (Desktop contains FloppyAccess) 
> I cannot find .gnome-desktop anywhere in the system.

The script assumes that your desktop directory is called
.gnome-desktop, when it is now Desktop.

> I've never been able to get FloppyAccess back unless I re-add the user.

Yes. When you add a user, it copies all of /etc/skel, which
includes Desktop/FloppyAccess.

> How do I include the FloppyAccess part into the reset script?

Update the script so it copies Desktop instead of .gnome-desktop.


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