You know how they say to unmount your usb drive before ejecting it?  I
think I see why.  My wife has one of those hard drives built into a
flash form factor.  Its flaky USB enclosure fell apart, and during her
last use the partition table became corrupt.  I imagine that the data is
still there.

Has anyone encountered this and succeeded in recovering data?  It seems
that dd is the tool for dumping the data, and that something along the
lines of dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/scott/baddisk.img

But I am currently fiddling with gpart:

Description: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions
 Gpart is a tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a
 PC-type disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is
 damaged, incorrect or deleted.
 It is also good at finding and listing the types, locations, and
 sizes of inadvertently-deleted partitions, both primary and logical.
 It gives you the information you need to manually re-create them
 (using fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, etc.).
 The guessed table can also be written to a file or (if you firmly
 believe the guessed table is entirely correct) directly to a disk


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