Apologies that email is backed up....I had a fumble finger event and managed
to get a stray back tick into my dns authority file which apparently is
enough to prevent me from being an authority for my own domain....dang....

So Vince found my error and it's now corrected.....so kudos to Vince and
maybe I need to learn how to type someday.... ;)

Oh yeah...the downtime was because a stray kitty decided it would be cool to
jump/walk across the insulators in the UH power substation and I guess the
tail created a circuit between two phases of the 208,000 volt feed for the
substation. So if you were on campus and looking towards east west
center...you may have seen a ball of fire shooting into the air. That may
have either been the cat (kitty fritters) or the transformer blowing up.

Either way, but all my battery packs went flat, even with extended run
batteries....and the main pain in my backside is that I finally got the auto
shutdown daemons for linux last week....dang...so UPS upgrades are in the
wind (New APC Symmetra RM 7kva unit) and I'll be working with warren to get
the daemon running on videl. (FYI: if you have a non-apc UPS and want
autoshutdown...take a look at "nut"....that was what I was working on last
week before all heck broke loose....we had a flood, theft, and a power

/brian chee

University of Hawaii ICS Dept
Advanced Network Computing Lab
1680 East West Road, POST rm 311
Honolulu, HI  96822
808-956-5797 voice, 808-956-5175 fax

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