Hi Sheldon,
It was my understanding that you should parse the input text yourself
(since you understand the deeper semantics). When you see "MEM12345"
you can add {"MEM12345", "MEM" and "12345"} into the words to index.
This is similar to converting the words to lowercase or stripping
Hi all
In my code
IndexWriter inwr =new Indexwriter(new index(),null,create);
where index.java is the directory.
when create =true
IndexWriter inwr =new IndexWriter(new index(),null,create);
I found that a file named "segments" is created.
when create=false
IndexWriter inwr =new IndexWriter
Hi there,
I'm new to Lucene and have what will hopefully be a couple of simple questions.
1. Can I index numbers with Lucene? If so, ints or floats or ?
2. Can I index dates with Lucene?
In either case, is there any way I can sort the results returned by a search on
these fields?
Also, can I s