I have a 33GB repository (12,000+ files) that I wanted to be able to
search via the web. So Lucene looks like a fit.
I downloaded the 1.3-final distribution, read the "Getting Started" page
and proceeded to "The Simple Demo" page. I navigated to the directory
containing my repository and set
I notice some thing strange: (1.4-rc4)
Until I add a empty text to my index:
where text is "" or null;
IndexWriter indexWriter = getIndexWriter();
document.add(Field.Text(Corpus.TEXT, text, true));
I see this in std.out: "No tvx file"
Furthermore IndexReade
another question, but first many thanks for the last hint, the new term
frequency functionality of lucene is just GREAT! ;)
I have index a set of documents with different meta data, Language = DE
or Language = EN.
Now i wish to get Term frequencies for DE and EN. The easiest solution
would b