I am using lucene version 1.4.2 but am consistently getting an error when I run this:

java -verbose -classpath /Users/rob/Desktop/lucene/lucene.jar:/Users/rob/Desktop/lucene/lucene- demos.jar:. org.apache.lucene.demos.IndexFiles /Users/rob/Desktop/lucene/src/

The error I get is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/lucene/demos/IndexFiles

Can someone please help? I have tried on both Mac OS X (Panther) and Windows XP - both with the latest JVM - but I get the same error message. Thanks.

The JVM version is:

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_05-141.3)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-38, mixed mode)

The verbose error message is:

[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ classes.jar]
[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ ui.jar]
[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ laf.jar]
[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ sunrsasign.jar]
[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ jsse.jar]
[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ jce.jar]
[Opened /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ charsets.jar]
[Loaded java.lang.Object from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.Serializable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Comparable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.CharSequence from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.String from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Class from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Cloneable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ClassLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.System from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Throwable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Error from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ThreadDeath from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Exception from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.RuntimeException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.ProtectionDomain from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.AccessControlContext from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ClassNotFoundException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.LinkageError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ClassCastException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ArrayStoreException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.VirtualMachineError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.OutOfMemoryError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.StackOverflowError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.Reference from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.SoftReference from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.WeakReference from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.FinalReference from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.PhantomReference from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.Finalizer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Runnable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Thread from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ThreadGroup from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Dictionary from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Map from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Hashtable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Properties from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.Member from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.Field from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.Method from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.Constructor from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.MagicAccessorImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.MethodAccessor from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.MethodAccessorImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.ConstructorAccessor from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.ConstructorAccessorImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Collection from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.AbstractCollection from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.List from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.AbstractList from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.RandomAccess from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Vector from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.StringBuffer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.Buffer from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.AtomicLong from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.AtomicLongCSImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Boolean from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Character from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Number from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Float from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Double from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Byte from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Short from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Integer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Long from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.StrictMath from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.ObjectStreamField from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Comparator from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.String$CaseInsensitiveComparator from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.AccessController from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.Guard from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.Permission from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.BasicPermission from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.PrivilegedAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory$GetReflectionFactoryAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Stack from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.RuntimePermission from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Null from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Enumeration from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Hashtable$EmptyEnumerator from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Iterator from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Hashtable$EmptyIterator from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.ObjectStreamClass from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.AbstractMap from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.SoftCache from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.HashMap from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Map$Entry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.HashMap$Entry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.NoSuchMethodError from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Hashtable$Entry from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Version from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.InputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FileInputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FileDescriptor from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.OutputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FileOutputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FilterInputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.BufferedInputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FilterOutputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.PrintStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.BufferedOutputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.Writer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.OutputStreamWriter from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.io.Converters from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.Reflection from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.Charset from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.AbstractCharsetProvider from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.SortedMap from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.TreeMap from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.ASCIICaseInsensitiveComparator from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.TreeMap$Entry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ThreadLocal from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.HistoricallyNamedCharset from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.MacRoman from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Class$3 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.Modifier from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.LangReflectAccess from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.reflect.ReflectAccess from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Class$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder$CharsetSE from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.SingleByteEncoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.MacRoman$Encoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.SingleByteDecoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.MacRoman$Decoder from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.ByteBuffer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.HeapByteBuffer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.Bits from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Unsafe from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.VM from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.ByteOrder from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.CharBuffer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.HeapCharBuffer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CoderResult from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CoderResult$Cache from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CoderResult$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.nio.charset.CoderResult$2 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.Surrogate$Parser from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.nio.cs.Surrogate from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.BufferedWriter from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Runtime from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.File from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.FileSystem from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.UnixFileSystem from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.ExpiringCache from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ClassLoader$3 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.ExpiringCache$Entry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Terminator from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.SignalHandler from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Terminator$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Signal from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.NativeSignalHandler from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Integer$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.NullPointerException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.ArithmeticException from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Compiler from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Compiler$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Launcher from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Launcher$Factory from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.SecureClassLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.net.URLClassLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.security.util.Debug from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.StringTokenizer from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Launcher$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.net.www.ParseUtil from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.BitSet from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.net.URL from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Locale from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.net.Parts from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.net.URLStreamHandler from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.net.www.protocol.file.Handler from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.Set from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.AbstractSet from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.HashSet from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.URLClassPath from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.ArrayList from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.net.www.protocol.jar.Handler from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.Launcher$2 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.SystemClassLoaderAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.net.URLClassLoader$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.URLClassPath$3 from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.URLClassPath$Loader from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.FileURLMapper from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.ZipConstants from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.ZipFile from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.jar.JarFile from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.JavaUtilJarAccess from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.jar.JavaUtilJarAccessImpl from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.SharedSecrets from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.JarIndex from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.ExtensionDependency from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.ZipEntry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.jar.JarEntry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.jar.JarFile$JarFileEntry from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.DataInput from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.DataInputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.ZipFile$ZipFileInputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.ZipFile$1 from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.util.zip.Inflater from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Math from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.security.PrivilegedActionException from shared objects file]
[Loaded sun.misc.URLClassPath$FileLoader from shared objects file]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/lucene/demos/IndexFiles
[Loaded java.lang.StackTraceElement from /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Classes/ classes.jar]
[Loaded java.lang.Shutdown from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Shutdown$Lock from shared objects file]

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