On Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 19:59:21, Gregor Leskovšek wrote:
> A je to res?
Jaz do sedaj še nikoli nisem imel težav dosegat nazivnih hitrosti (pri
normalnih downloadih in uploadih, ne samo na speedtest.net), tako da
malo dvomim, da to velja za nas.
< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternall
Contact your ISP and ask them speed up your connection
Ask your ISP to “*boost*” or “*throttle up*” the speed of your connection.
Most ISP’s never put you on the fastest speed *UNLESS YOU ASK* them. It’s
amazing what you can do with just a phone call.
A je to res?
Naj pokličem T-2 in kaj naj ji