gregor wrote:
Pozdrav vsem

Zanima me ali mi lahko svetujete kateri program bi lahko uporabil za
enostavno delo z bazo podatkov. V WIN uporabljam MS access. Zanima me če
obstaja kaj podobnega oz. morda celo kompatibilnega?
Mogoče bi tole ustrezalo:
**Rekall* is a database front-end, somewhat in the style of MicroSoft Access(tm). However, Rekall is not itself a database, and does not include a database. By this we mean that data is stored somewhere else in an SQL server, and Rekall is fundementaly just a tool to extract, display and update that data (of course, it does lots more than that, it does forms and reports and scripting and .... you get the idea). It is database agnostic, and does not have any preferred database in the sense that Access(tm) uses the Jet. database engine (although the Windows version can use the Jet database engine via an ODBC driver).

Torej potrebuješ v ozadju še katerega od podprtih sql strežinikov



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