
nadaljevanje naše debate o odprti kodi - dva zanimiva tuja primera:

Pravila avstralske univerze glede uporabe odprte kode:

    The University will ensure that it imposes no requirement or
expectation on students in any discipline that would require them
necessarily to make use of proprietary software when a cost is involved,
where there are comparable Open Source packages available

Proti profesorju, ki od študentov kljub temu, da obstajajo alternative
zahteva, da seminarsko nalogo oddajo v zaprtem formatu, je mogoče
vložiti uradno pritožbo.


Pravila na Nizozemskem:

In the Netherlands there is a comply or explain rule for all government
en semi-government (including schools/universities etc.):


Use of open-standards and open-source is mandatory for new projects. If
you don't comply with this you have to explain why you didn't. Saving
money when using proprietary standards/software is NOT an acceptable reason.

lp, M.
lugos-list mailing list

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