[LUTE] Re: Vel Puo Giurar Amor

2015-10-30 Thread James Kimbel
Dear Tomoko, The song you are looking for, "Vel puo giurar" by Vicenzo Ferro, is complete in the volume "Willaert, Adrian: Musica Libro Primo a Tre Voci" in the Munich archive. The book contains madrigals by various composers, not just Willaert. http://stimmbuecher.digitale-sammlungen.de/view?id=

[LUTE] Secret lute intabulations of Morley three part canzonets

2015-03-03 Thread James Kimbel
In the recent thread on intabulation, Dan Winheld’s mention of transcribing or intabulating? Morley’s three part canzonet “Cease myne eyes” for guitar intrigued me. I figured if Dan liked the Morley that much, maybe it was worth intabulating for lute. First I went to cpdl.org and downloaded a pdf s

[LUTE] Rob MacKillop’s Scottish Art of Music Manuscript - text and musical examples online

2014-04-26 Thread James Kimbel
Many thanks to Rob MacKillop for intabulating several beautiful pieces from the Anonymous Scottish Manuscript BM Add ms 4911 (“The Art of Music”), and many more thanks to him for putting his intabulations online. In his edition, Rob mentions the PhD. thesis where he got the transcriptions: Judson

[LUTE] Wolfenbüttel Lute Tablature - 15th century - possibly the earliest lute tablature

2014-04-23 Thread James Kimbel
The recent discussion here about 5 course lutes reminded me that Marc Lewon recently published several articles on his blog about the pieces in the Wolfenbüttel Lute Tablature, which may be the earliest lute tablature. He has lots of scholarship, and lots of practical advice about playing with a pl