Dear members of the baroque lutelist,
in the next weeks the Deutsche Lautengesellschaft will publish the facsimile edition of the two Rohrau lute manuscripts. As the subscription time has been extended to July the first, I want to give you notice of this.

The edition "Lautenmusik aus Schloss Rohrau" (lute music from Schloss/castle Rohrau) will be a high-value edition in one volume with more than 260 pages of tablature in facsimile, cloth binding with stamping and thread stitching. It will also contain a comprehensive scholarly commentary in German by Michael Freimuth, Frank Legl and Markus Lutz, including a list of incipits and concordances.

A preview with lower resolution can be seen under: (6 MB).

Prices for subscription:
100 EUR for members of all lute societies before July 1st 2010
120 EUR before July 1st 2010

150 EUR after June 1st 2010 (members of the German lute society still get 20% reduction).

The prices do not include postage and packing.

Please send your subscription to:
Deutsche Lautengesellschaft, e.V.
Herrn Matthias Schneider
Sandplackenstr. 13
D-60488 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Below you will find more details on the edition.

Best regards
Markus Lutz

In 2004, the curator of the collection, count Arco-Zinneberg, came across seven manuscript books that were preserved together with the art collection. Among them were two lute tablatures. Christoph Angerer, musical director of the ensemble Concilium musicum Wien, and Michael Freimuth, who is the lutenist of the ensemble, were called in and soon realized the value of the find, particularly of the lute tablatures.

The first volume ("Weiss Sylvio - Lautenmusik") mostly contains works by Sylvius Leopold Weiss, among them eleven suites of several movements that have been previously unknown, one complete lute duet in four movements, and the suite in A that has so far survived as solo music, but here is in the form of a trio for violin, lute and bass. The title of the second volume, "Lautenmusik von unbekannten Componisten" (lute music by unknown composers) was obviously caused by the scribe’s ignorance of the music, since already as many as four suites could be ascribed to Weiss by concordances. Other suites in the collection are composed in a style that is quite similar to Weiss’s style as well. Quite unexpectedly, the volume also contains four pieces for lute in renaissance tuning, notated in Italian tablature.

The present volumes, comprising more than 260 facsimile pages, bridge a gap in the group of sources of lute music by Weiss, complementing other Weiss manuscripts in London and Dresden, as they mainly contain pieces of his early creative period. The two manuscripts in Rohrau contain a total number of 157 movements for the lute, organized in 26 suites or suite-like sequences. Without doubt, these volumes are of the highest significance both for active lute players and for scholars.

Please send your subscription to:
Deutsche Lautengesellschaft, e.V.
Herrn Matthias Schneider
Sandplackenstr. 13
D-60488 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

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Markus Lutz
Schulstraße 11

88422 Bad Buchau

Tel  0 75 82 / 92 62 89
Fax  0 75 82 / 92 62 90

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