I've been experimenting with the youtube setting for people who want 
to share lute videos.
Basically, the upload limit is now way larger, so you can upload a 
higher resolution file--bigger file-- and get somewhat better results.
Also, if you go to your account settings for youtube, and go to the 
right side of the screen at the bottom,
there is a setting that says
Video Playback Quality
Here you can check a box to raise the level of quality that you view 
your videos.

Lastly, there is a hidden command

Which works very simply.
Click on a video you would like to see, then pause the video, go to 
the top of your browser and carefully append
to the algebra in the title bar
Then hit enter
You will in most cases see exactly the same video, but with better 
audio and video.
It is maybe ten to twenty percent better, certainly sharper.
You will also see a message saying, you are watching this at a higher 
resolution at the bottom of the screen.
If you copy the little tag, you can just paste it over and over as 
you watch videos.
It works better for more recent videos, for some reason, but even 
some of the older stuff looks better

And here is Nigel North without the extra code--

And with the code, in full screen mode you can if the Rose looks nicer.
And the sound is a bit clearer--subtle, but a difference. Even for a 
slightly older video

Another example if you like cats

and here it is with the tag at the end, the video is sharper, 
although the sound is louder--stereo now, so much more sound.
turn down the sound to compare!

But still the resolution is higher at vimeo, and the sound is better 
as well Note that Youtube pumps up the bass, which is not so good for lute
so here the sound is not so bassy as well::

Vimeo also has high definition--even better audio and video
WARNING--not lute music but you can hear easily that it is stereo, 
not mono, and see the quality of the HD.
Anyone can make this quality of video now!

Here is a video on making a vihuela on Vimeo


Best to post at Vimeo, but if at youtube use the
&fmt=18 to view, and upload using larger files, with the new H264 codec.

Best of all, export your video as "720p" format and upload to vimeo.

Also, save your files, as youtube gets better, you can re-upload them 
and they will sound better.

I think ultimately, and perhaps this is controversial, you can of 
course share your work with anyone in the world, but also there is an 
important use which is you can upload the video
and ask for a real opinion, critique, or lesson, without having the 
information everywhere.
I hope this will be a new, constructive, and positive use of the 
internet, for the lute and early music.


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