Greetings Lute People,
I have written to this group a few times concerning my efforts to resurrect a
lute that had been in the closet for many years (no pun intended!). In any
case I am having string breakage problems trying to tune up to A440, with the
7 courses on D-G-C-F-A-D-G. In particular, in fact exclusively, the
fundamental (I guess that is what it is called) on the 4th course. Yes I am
being naughty and putting octaves on  1,2,3,& 4, this instrument needing all
the resonance it can get. Sorry, John!
In any case where can I go for more information about Lute String choices? I
can figure out what the tensions will be from engineering references, and
compare the ratings on individual strings, but that would only get so far. I
remember reading in some message here about on-line calculators, but looking
over my saved messages I can't seem to find that one.
Thank You,

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