Dear Grzegorz,

thank you for the informations in your mail! I have seen that the
"Thematic Catalogue" has appeared in 2007 but I have not yet seen the
book. The information about the song in Lviv 1400/1 ist very
interesting, too. Luckily, someone some time ago lent me his copies of
this book to copy them, :)

Best wishes,


"Grzegorz Joachimiak" <> schrieb:
> Hi Joachim,
> I think that you have right about attribution this pieces not to Pêkiel. 
> There is incorrect. Some seriously argument was presented also in 
> edition <<Tañce polskie z Tabulatury gdañskiej (I po³. XVII w.) na 
> lutniê>>, by Zofia Stêszewska, in WDMP 30, Kraków 1965. She claimed that 
> B.P is <<Ballo Polacco>>.
> Hieronim Feicht and then Maria Szczapañska attributed incorrect this 
> dances to Bart³omiej Pêkiel. Szczepañska wrote also about folk songs and 
> one of example is <<Jecha³ ch³op do miasta>> (A peasant has been went to 
> city) and melody from this song is close to Christmas carol <<Z raju 
> piêknego miasta>> (From  paradise beautifull city). This song you can 
> find also in Miko³aj Strzeszkowski lute tablature, shelf mark is 1400/I.
> There was edited a <<Thematic Catalogue of Music in Manuscript from the 
> Former Stadtbibliothek Danzig Kept at the Staatsbibliothek zu 
> Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv>> 
> by Danuta Szlagowska, Barbara D³ugoñska, Danuta Popinigis and Jolanta 
> Wo¼niak, Musica Iagellonica 2007. The <B.P.> pieces were considered as 
> anonimus. In this book you would find some more informations.
> Bests
> Grzegorz
> Dnia 6-02-2010 o godz. 11:20 "Dr. Joachim Lüdtke" napisa³(a):
> > Hi Allan,
> > 
> > great! Judging from the list of contents, your book contains quite a
> > number of very attractive and accessible pieces. I have a small quibble
> > concerning the ascription of the Polish
> > Dance to Bartlomiej Pekiel: The piece is from the ex-Gdansk Ms. 4022,
> > isn't it? The Polish Dances (or at least, a certain number of them) from
> > this lute book where first identified as works by Pekiel in Hieronim
> > Feichts dissertation about the works of Pekiel in 1923, and later edited
> > as Pekiel's by Szczepanska. However, this identification was based on a
> > misunderstanding of the abbreviation "B.P.", which in the source means
> > "Balletto Polacho". Ms. 4022, which is now in Berlin, contains a number
> > of other titles which have given rise to erroneous interpretations -
> > some of these things are quite jolly! I am working on a small study of
> > this manuscript, its provenance, collector and its music, and although
> > much of the work consist of tedious searching procedures, some is really
> > exhilirating.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Joachim
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "Allan Alexander" <> schrieb:
> > > Hi Gang,
> > > 
> > > we have a new edition.
> > > 
> > > The Queen's Musick Book/CD
> > > 
> > > 27 pieces in French TAB
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > The pieces are as follow:
> > > 
> > > La Mutia - Santino Garsi da Parma
> > > Correnta - Santino Garsi da Parma
> > > La Cesarina - Santino Garsi da Parma
> > > Calata ala Spagnola - Joan Ambrosio Dalza
> > > Moresca Prima, deta le Canarie - Julio Cesare Barbetta
> > > Pasamezzo - Adrian Leroy
> > > Favorito - Diomedes
> > > A Gigue - R. Askue
> > > Fortune - John Dowland
> > > Il Pastor Leggiadro - Cesare Negri
> > > La Vilanella - Vincenzo Capirola
> > > An Almaigne - Thomas Robinson from The Schoole of Musicke
> > > Polish Dance - Bartlomiej Pekiel
> > > Galliard - Francis Cutting
> > > Villanella - Marco Fabrizio Caroso
> > > Villanella - From The Chilesotti Collection
> > > Chiara Stella - From The Chilesotti Collection
> > > A Jig - Anonymous
> > > A Sleight Conceit - Anonymous
> > > Canario - Cesare Negri, Variations by Allan Alexander
> > > Fantasia Prima - Simone Molinaro
> > > Cutting's Comfort - Francis Cutting
> > > Saltarello 3 - Simone Molinaro
> > > Italiana - From The Chilesotti Collection
> > > Untitled Piece - From The Chilesotti Collection
> > > Courante - From The Chilesotti Collection
> > > Fantasia 40 - Francesco da Milano
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > To get on or off this list see list information at
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Joachim Lüdtke, Lektorat & Korrektorat
> > Dr. Joachim Lüdtke
> > Blumenstraße 20
> > D - 90762 Fürth
> > Tel. +49-+911 / 976 45 20

Joachim Lüdtke, Lektorat & Korrektorat
Dr. Joachim Lüdtke
Blumenstraße 20
D - 90762 Fürth
Tel. +49-+911 / 976 45 20

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