Hi lutenists,

I added a version of my intabulation of  "Tarantella 'Tre modi di
Kircher'" to the YouTube. The playing is not polished at all - and the
piece should of course be repeated ten times with more and more speed -
to cure the spider bites... :-)

Perhaps it is anyhow interesting to hear my tiny soprano lute in d?

The link is
The text says:
"Arto Wikla plays Tarantella in "primus, secundus et tertius modus" by
Athanasius Kircher, 1641. Recorded in April 2008. The lute intabulation
is mine and can be found in my page
The soprano lute is made after model "Wendelio Venere", Vienna, c.1580,
by Timo Kontio, 1997."

All the best,


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