Greetings to all makers!
One day I made vihuela with rose not connekted with the top.It was
glued to additional bars that was attached to the body.It is possible
to say that rose opening was full.I was very satisfied by the
sound.May be some day I will make
the same with the lut
-BUILDER] Re: rose opening
A: "julien stryjak luthier"
Fecha: martes, 17 noviembre, 2009, 12:29 pm
>Is there an easy and simple method to measure or calculate this
>surface? (I'm not talking about some har
thanks to everybody, there's some interesting ideas, i'll try to test that
on the workbench !!
All the best
Julien Stryjak - Luthier
Luths et instruments à cordes anciens
17 rue Sleidan, F-67000 STRASBOURG
00 33 (0)3 88 45 05 87
To get on or off this li
>Is there an easy and simple method to measure or calculate this
>surface? (I'm not talking about some hard computer program or complex
>mathematical formula ...we're lute makers after all ...)
you might try placing the soundboard on a sheet of graph paper, photograph
it and count the
>Hi all,
>I was just wondering if anybody knows how to measure the opening
>surface of a lute rosette ?
Easy using software like photoshop, same proceedure is used to measure
leaf surface area and estimate damage to brain coral as seen in
tomographic slices.
take a digital photo wh
>I was just wondering if anybody knows how to measure the opening
surface of a lute rosette ?
>Julien Stryjak Luthier
Hello Julien:
First idea: If you have access to a sensitive balance and the material
from which the rosette is made, weigh a circle of the uncut material
A scientist would estimate. Examine one quarter of the rose and count
the openings. Give a best guess for the average size of the hole in
that quarter, in square mm.
Opening = average size x number of holes in quarter x 4.
What would be really interesting would be to kn