Dear David:
I studied the harp in college, so I can answer the suzuki question on the harp!
Yes, the Suzuki method is used successfully to teach very young children how to play 
the harp, and currently, several harp manufacturers make instruments suitable for 
these children or they learn on folk harps.
I have been to a Suzuki harp demonstration, it was in 1988 or so.  A five year old 
girl was brought in to play some simple pieces on the harp, and she just breezed right 
through them.  The harp is dependant upon maintaining proper hand position, and this 
is the difference between a mediocre harpist and a great harpist.  This five year old 
girl already had the hand technique of a conservatory student.  All of us were just 
amazed, and I might add a little bit envious.  The majority of harpists, even at the 
conservatory level and beyond have to constantly remind ourselves about proper 
position, and here was a five year old girl doing it.
So, to answer your question, Suzuki does work on the harp.  Since I don't teach Suzuki 
myself, nor am I certified, but only have a passing knowledge on the subject, I'll 
keep my mouth shut.

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