
When passing the mid-30s memory could fail ...
The recital of Jeni and Chris will be as part of the meeting in january
(january, 17th, at the Art Workers Gilt in London, mini-recita will be
at 2pm)

Please excuse!


Am Mit, 2004-01-07 um 19.34 schrieb Thomas Schall:

> Hi luters!
> I haven't seen an announcement of this on the list. So I jump into the
> hole and want to inform you that there is a new lute song CD out (and a
> very recommendable!):
> The Last of Old England - Jeni Melia (soprano) and Chris Goodwin (lute)
> "The Last of Old England" is an anthology of Elizabethan lute songs,
> folk songs, and song settings of lyrics by Shakespeare and other English
> poets.
> The CD contains music by elisabethian english composers like Dowland,
> Campion, Morley, Rosseter, Pilkington and Johnson, Folk Songs and
> unaccompanied Irish folk songs. 
> There ars also some lute solo pieces on the CD. 
> Worth mentioning is that Chris made the arrangements by himself and if
> you listen to the sampletrack O waly waly (2.2MB on
> you'll see what a good job he did.
> The thing which immediatly attracted me was apart from the very
> interesting and entertaining program of the CD was the voice of Jeni
> Melia in which I immediatly felt in love. 
> I hope we will hear much more of that creative new duo soon (I think I
> really will try to make it to London in April to listen to her singing -
> Chris didn't mention in Lute News if he will be accompanying her but I
> do hope so ... if the duo sounds so charming and fresh on CD how must
> this sound in reality?)!
> If you want to order the CD: The price is £10 plus £1 p&p / US$18
> (includes postage) / 16 euros (includes postage) 
> orders can be made at
> or
> Best wishes
> Thomas

Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3   
D-65843 Sulzbach


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