Hi Federico,
OK the example is:
virtual = xx.xx.xx.xx:3309
real=ff.aa.bc.de:3309 gate 4569
real=ff.aa.cc.dd:3309 gate 7508
request="SELECT * FROM ctest limit
Is it possible to have an example on ldirectord.cf
that works on a non-standard port?
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Hi Federico,
you'l need especify the type of service that the ldirector will test, so
just add 'service=mysql' in any place below the entries /real=.*/.
That's works fine to me.
best regards,
Aslan Carlos de M. Ramos
Network Administrator
K8 Networks, Digirati Networks and Hostnet WebHosti
Hi all,
I use LVS + UltraMonkey to balanace mysql requests.
I need to check Mysql real servers that run on port 3309.
Is it possible using ldirectord ?
With the following directives, even if I shutdown the mysql instance on
one real server,
ipvasdm don't recognize the failure.