Hi there lwip users, I've had success sending UDP packets on demand, but am not 
finding success doing the same with a TCP Connection.

For now I'm just implementing a base case inside a function that I call after 
lwip_init to try to get it working. What I'm wanting in the end is to have a 
function I can call with an IP and data to send to it. Here's what I've got now.

void echo_tx_tcp()
  volatile int dumb = 0;
  err_t wr_err = ERR_OK;
  struct tcp_pcb *l_tcp_pcb;
  l_tcp_pcb = tcp_new();
  ip_addr_t dest_ip =
  { ((u32_t)0x0C0C0C2BUL) };
  wr_err = tcp_bind(l_tcp_pcb, &dest_ip, 12);
  if (wr_err == ERR_OK)
    dumb +=1;
  wr_err = tcp_connect(l_tcp_pcb, &dest_ip, 12, echo_accept);
  if (wr_err == ERR_OK)
    dumb +=1;
  tcp_sent(l_tcp_pcb, echo_sent);
  struct pbuf *pl = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, 1024, PBUF_RAM);
  unsigned char buffer_send[1024] = "My Name Is Mitch TCP";
  pl->payload = buffer_send;
  pl->len = 1024;
  pl->tot_len = 1024;
  wr_err = tcp_write(l_tcp_pcb, pl->payload, pl->len, 1);
  if (wr_err == ERR_OK)
    dumb +=1;
  wr_err = tcp_output(l_tcp_pcb);
  if (wr_err == ERR_OK)
    dumb +=1;

The "dumb" variable is just to force the compiler to not skip the wr_err 
assignement, which I'm monitoring using a debugger. What I've found is that 
wr_err is ERR_OK up until the tcp_write command after which it is -1 (ERR_MEM). 
I'm using a NXP processor and their canned demo, I do not see a buffer length 
function in there. Nonetheless, that is where I stand, and I'm in need of some 
advice as to what might be wrong.

Mitch Jones

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