I've stumbled onto what I think is a blocker for having Elasticsearch 5.0
run in a LXD container. I can install Elasticsearch 5.0, and start it with
the default elasticsearch.yml (listens on localhost by default), but
if/when I modify the config to tell Elasticsearch to listen on any
interface or ip, it fails to start with errors in syslog " systemd[1]:
Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/elasticsearch.service:
Operation not permitted". See my syslog here ->

I've found this here https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/2004, which looks
like its the same thing I'm hitting.

Elasticsearch 5.0: installed via apt-get.
Ubuntu series: xenial
Juju: 2.0.2-xenial-amd64

Any insight on how I might get around this would be greatly appreciated.


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