commit 5054204d53b61f0d4437ddc0e1d4aea67ad5169c
Author: Pavel Sanda <>
Date:   Sun Aug 30 10:47:32 2020 +0200

    Add new section about problems on opensuse.
 lib/fonts/test/stmary10.lyx |   50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/fonts/test/stmary10.lyx b/lib/fonts/test/stmary10.lyx
index cfb46da..777fc9e 100644
--- a/lib/fonts/test/stmary10.lyx
+++ b/lib/fonts/test/stmary10.lyx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see
-\lyxformat 547
+\lyxformat 598
 \save_transient_properties true
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 \use_default_options false
-\maintain_unincluded_children false
+\maintain_unincluded_children no
 \language english
 \language_package none
 \inputencoding utf8
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
 \font_default_family default
 \use_non_tex_fonts false
 \font_sc false
-\font_osf false
+\font_roman_osf false
+\font_sans_osf false
+\font_typewriter_osf false
 \font_sf_scale 100 100
 \font_tt_scale 100 100
 \use_microtype false
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@
 \paperfontsize 12
 \spacing single
 \use_hyperref false
-\papersize a4paper
+\papersize a4
 \use_geometry false
 \use_package amsmath 1
 \use_package amssymb 0
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@
 \justification true
 \use_refstyle 0
 \use_minted 0
+\use_lineno 0
 \index Index
 \shortcut idx
 \color #008000
@@ -71,11 +74,15 @@
 \papercolumns 1
 \papersides 1
 \paperpagestyle default
+\tablestyle default
 \tracking_changes false
 \output_changes false
+\change_bars false
+\postpone_fragile_content false
 \html_math_output 0
 \html_css_as_file 0
 \html_be_strict false
+\docbook_table_output 0
@@ -583,5 +590,40 @@ wasy10:
+\begin_layout Standard
+Another set of qt5 reported problems with integral limits.
+\begin_inset Note Note
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+fint broken everywhere likely breaks because of codepoint 32 (otherwise
+ glyph metrics is same as other ints, fixed by 80f94a93).
+ The others might be broken because we don't occupy glyphs at usual ascii
+ codepoints, see
+6c99ebef734404ef2e08ce5 .
+ Reported on opensuse with QT5-5.12.7, we did not get feedback what happens
+ with font containing glyph at asii position 'f').
+\begin_layout Standard
+\begin_inset Formula 
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