Dear Lyx Developers -- Users on our system have requested Lyx, so I am
attempting to install Lyx 1.1.4.  Unfortunately I am having symbol
referencing problems when I try to compile lyx on my Solaris 2.6 system
even though I have libiberty.a installed.  I hope you don't mind if I pass
this by your experienced ears:

I have this problem when attempting to install Lyx 1.1.4.  But I've also
tried the pre-release of 1.1.5 with virtually the same results.

I am attempting this on a Sparc running Solaris 2.6.  I installed Xpm
version 3.4g and Xforms version 0.88 specifically for the sake of
installing Lyx. Our X11 library is Release 6.1. I am using gcc version
egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release).  On our system libiberty.a
lives in /usr/local/egcs-1.1.2/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/lib, and since the gcc
I'm running is /usr/local/egcs-1.1.2/bin/gcc, I would hope that the
libiberty.a would be easily found by the compiler.  Just to be sure,
however, I added /usr/local/egcs-1.1.2/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/lib to the
value of $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Is there any possibility that ld can't find
it???  I even tried putting the path to the libiberty.a in the
--with-extra-lib parameter of configure, but that didn't seem to help.

In order to get the configure script to see the Xpm, the Xforms, and the
correct (non-openwin version of the) X11 library, I've invoked the 
configure script thus:

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/lyx-1.1.4  \
   --with-extra-lib=/usr/local/libxpm-3.4/lib:/usr/local/xforms-0.88/lib  \
   --with-extra-inc=/usr/local/xforms-0.88/include:/usr/local/libxpm-3.4/include/X11 \
   --x-libraries=/usr/local/x11/lib  --x-includes=/usr/local/x11/include

The configure script runs very happily in this way; and the make begins
with great promise and cranks on for at least 20 minutes until it hits the
symbol referencing problem.  I'm including this last bit of the "make"
transcript below, in case it may help you spot the problem.  I notice that
most of the undefined symbols have the word "stream" in them, which
suggests some kind of connection.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have for me.  

--David Kalins, Programmer
  Central Computing Services
  UC Berkeley

Here is part of the transcript that shows the symbol referencing problem:

gcc -g -O2 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -L/usr/local/libxpm-3.4/lib 
-Wl,-R/usr/local/libxpm-3.4/lib -L/usr/local/xforms-0.88/lib 
-Wl,-R/usr/local/xforms-0.88/lib -o lyx BufferView.o Bullet.o Chktex.o DepTable.o 
FontInfo.o FontLoader.o ImportLaTeX.o ImportNoweb.o LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LaTeXLog.o 
Literate.o LyXAction.o LyXSendto.o LyXView.o PaperLayout.o ParagraphExtra.o Spacing.o 
TableLayout.o bmtable.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o bullet_forms.o 
bullet_forms_cb.o chset.o combox.o credits.o credits_form.o debug.o filedlg.o form1.o 
intl.o kbmap.o lastfiles.o latexoptions.o layout.o layout_forms.o lyx.o lyx_cb.o 
lyx_gui.o lyx_gui_misc.o lyx_main.o lyx_sendfax.o lyx_sendfax_main.o lyx_sty.o 
lyxdraw.o lyxfont.o lyxfr0.o lyxfr1.o lyxfunc.o lyxlex.o lyxlookup.o lyxrc.o 
lyxserver.o lyxvc.o main.o menus.o minibuffer.o paragraph.o print_form.o screen.o 
sp_form.o spellchecker.o table.o tex-accent.o tex-strings.o texoptions.o texrow.o 
text.o text2.o toolbar.o trans.o trans_mgr.o un!
do.o vc-backend.o vspace.o mathed/.libs/libmathed.a insets/.libs/libinsets.a 
support/.libs/libsupport.a -lforms -lXpm -lSM -lICE -liberty -lc -lm 
-L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -R/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
cout                                lyxrc.o
istream::ios virtual table          Chktex.o
omtream::write(char const *, int)   support/.libs/libsupport.a(lyxstring.o)
streambuf::sys_write(char const *, int)support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
streambuf::sys_close(void)          support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
streambuf::streambuf(int)           support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
ostream::ostream(int, streambuf *, ostream *)support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
ostrstream::~ostrstream(void)       FontInfo.o
streambuf::doallocate(void)         support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
strstreambase::strstreambase(int, char *, int, int)FontInfo.o
ofstream::ios virtual table         DepTable.o
ostream::operator<<(streambuf *)    bufferlist.o
ostream::seekp(long)                buffer.o
istream::operator>>(char *)         support/.libs/libsupport.a(lyxstring.o)
ifstream::~ifstream(void)           Chktex.o
streambuf::underflow(void)          support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
endl(ostream &)                     BufferView.o
streambuf::seekpos(long, int)       support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
ostream::ios virtual table          DepTable.o
istream::operator>>(char &)         buffer.o
istream::operator>>(float &)        lyx_cb.o
istream::operator>>(int &)          table.o
istream::operator>>(unsigned long &)DepTable.o
streambuf::setbuf(char *, int)      support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
istrstream::istrstream(int, char const *, int)lyx_cb.o
cerr                                BufferView.o
streambuf::uflow(void)              support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
streambuf::xsgetn(char *, int)      support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
streambuf::sys_read(char *, int)    support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
fstream::ios virtual table          buffer.o
istream::seekg(long)                paragraph.o
istrstream::~istrstream(void)       lyx_cb.o
streambuf::sys_stat(void *)         support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
ostream::operator<<(void const *)   BufferView.o
ostream::operator<<(char const *)   BufferView.o
filebuf::close(void)                support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
istream::getline(char *, int, char) lyxlex.o
ostrstream::ios virtual table       FontInfo.o
ostream::operator<<(char)           FontInfo.o
ostream::operator<<(double)         Spacing.o
ostream::operator<<(int)            FontInfo.o
ostream::operator<<(long)           filedlg.o
fstreambase::close(void)            buffer.o
streambuf::sys_seek(long, ios::seek_dir)support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
ostream::operator<<(unsigned int)   BufferView.o
ostream::operator<<(unsigned long)  DepTable.o
__iomanip_setw(ios &, int)          buffer.o
istream::get(char &)                LaTeX.o
ostream::tellp(void)                buffer.o
iostream::ios virtual table         buffer.o
fstream::~fstream(void)             buffer.o
istream::istream(int, streambuf *, ostream *)lyxlex.o
streambuf::~streambuf(void)         support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
filebuf::~filebuf(void)             buffer.o
flush(ostream &)                    insets/.libs/libinsets.a(figinset.o)
ifstream::ios virtual table         Chktex.o
streambuf::seekoff(long, ios::seek_dir, int)support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
fstreambase::fstreambase(int, char const *, int, int)Chktex.o
filebuf::filebuf(void)              lyxlex.o
ostream::flush(void)                debug.o
filebuf::open(char const *, int, int)lyxlex.o
ofstream::~ofstream(void)           DepTable.o
ios virtual table                   Chktex.o
streambuf::pbackfail(int)           support/.libs/libsupport.a(DebugStream.o)
streambuf::sputbackc(char)          buffer.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to lyx
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `lyx'
Current working directory /src/lyx/lyx-1.1.4/src
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'
Current working directory /src/lyx/lyx-1.1.4/src
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive-am'
Current working directory /src/lyx/lyx-1.1.4/src
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'

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