On Mon, 23 Nov 1998 13:43:04 -0600 (CST) Yao-Pin Kuo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
>     How can I type cubic root or n-th root in LyX?
> Thank you

That's curious, with the version I'm using (lyx 0.12.0) I can't 
do it either 8-/.  

You can *always* do it with latex. Write:  $\sqrt[y]{x}$ to get the
y'th root of the expression x (where x may be an expression of any
complexity). Mark the whole thing as LaTeX. This will put the y'th root 
expression in the text.

The trouble (with 0.12.0, at least) is that the math editor is too
smart for its own good. If you try to enter this in a math inset LyX will
"resolve" the square root as soon as you have finished writing "sqrt" and
will put the square brackets *inside* the sqrt. This happens even if you  
explicitly ask for TeX mode inside the math inset. 

So if you want to have the y'th root inside a larger expression I guess you
will have to make the entire expression as TeX.

Of course, this could all just be an expression of my cluelessness 
(I did try the documentation), or that I have an old version. Anybody 
knows more?


Thomas Huld
European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Ispra Site(IT)
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