Dear friends:

in attached follows a letter

The British Home Secretary as some doubts about releasing Pinochet for
humanitary reasons and asked for week to deliberate about it.

We can help him with some ideas sending him the attached letter or some

This initiative comes from someone in the UE.

It can be sent by mail, email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or fax: 0044-171-273

If you want to express your opinion personally the telephone number is
0044 171 272 4000

best regards


The Rt Hon Jack Straw, MP

Home Secretary

50 Queen Anne's Gate

London SW1H 9AT

United Kingdom


I am most disturbed by the rumours about the possibility of a release
on `humanitarian' grounds of Chilean senator Augusto Pinochet,
currently under arrest by the British police. I believe that any claim
of this nature would be unfounded, and in any case not applicable in
this case.  Firstly, Mr. Pinochet is in good health, he is not mentally
impaired, and he is fully conscious of his situation and the charges
against him.  Besides, even if this was not the case, it would be a
very sad paradox that a man who is allegedly responsible for crimes
against humanity would go unpunished on so-called humanitarian grounds.
 The nature of the crimes that he is accused of is such that the
standard procedures, including release by reason of health or age, are
simply not applicable. On the other hand, a release on these grounds
could imply lack of confidence in the legal system of the countries
having requested Mr. Pinochet's extradition.

Klaus Barbie, Adolf Eichmann, Erich Priebke and other notorious
genocidals and mass-murderers were tried and sentenced regardless of
their age or condition, and quite rightly so.  It is true that all of
them, as Mr. Pinochet now, had reached old age. Their numerous victims
were not so lucky.

It must also be remembered that several of these victims were British
citizens. To mention just two of them, William Beausire, who has not
been seen since 1975 and is assumed to be dead; and Sheila Cassidy, a
doctor arrested in Santiago under the military regime. Both were
innocent, both were abducted by agents on General Pinochet's orders and
both suffered terrible torture. I consider that the Government of the
United Kingdom is entitled and indeed duty-bound to prosecute or to
extradite the man who gave the orders leading to these and many other

Furthermore, Mr Pinochet has repeatedly admitted his responsibility for
these events and has never showed any sign of regret. To the contrary,
he has repeatedly vaunted his leading role in the bloody activities
that occurred during his dictatorship.

For these reasons, I respectfully urge you to do everything in your
power as Home Secretary to ensure Mr. Pinochet is tried under the
British justice system or, alternatively, to see he is extradited to

I remain, Sir,

Yours faithfully,


And  ID No. ....

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