
I am running LyX 2.0.7 on a Windows x64, Jabref 2.9.2 and Zotero Standalone 
4.0.17 with the LyZ 2.1.7 plugin. 

I am having trouble with the LyXServer pipe settings. From what I have read 
whatever directory I am set the path to should create a pipe file allowing 
Jabref and Zotero to communicate with LyZ. I have set a path 
"F:\\pipe\lyxserver" but it didn't create any files in the directory. I have 
tried restarting the program and its still empty. I have set the same path in 
Jabref and Zotero, neither have been able to communicate with LyZ.

Does anyone have any suggestions to this issue? 

Thank you!

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