Good Evening,


i am using Lyx for several days now and I begin to like it.

I use the report - koma-script


But I have several problems, which I cannot solve.

Here my biggest one:


I need my pagenumbers in right high corner. Actually I am realizing that by







\rhead{Seite \thepage}


\usepackage[singlelinecheck=false, justification=RaggedRight]{caption}


But Lyx does not include the chapters, index. .


Could someone help me there, please.



Other Problems:


In my Indexes should not be all chapters of my appendix. I would like that
there is just written: A Appendix ... page XX

And in my appendix I will need a second Index which shows just the content
of the appendix.


Otherwise I will fix that by using two documents, which brings another


If I make a second document, how can I "cheat" my pagenumbers, so that they
do not start with 1 and start with 68 or so.



Thanks for your time and greetings from Dresden.


Erik S.



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