Re: fun poll: your linux distro

2007-12-30 Thread Ray Henry
, and really quick help. Ray Henry

horizontal spacing in table of contents

2006-05-04 Thread Ray Henry
My table of contents looses the space between the number and name when numbers become greater than 10. This is 1.3.6 qt using pdflatex on a standard Ubuntu install. Ray

figures in a table

2006-01-08 Thread Ray Henry
I'm creating a 10x10 table. The first column is filled with small images. It is set to zero width. The other columns are all set to fixed width and have text wrapped. When the the image is inserted it creates space at the top of the row and pushes down the text in the other cells. The ima

Right out of the box

2004-12-31 Thread Ray Henry
orders of magnitude advance in ease of operation and quality of product over the years. Thanks to each developer for a fine product. Ray Henry, Ph.D.