On 6/7/19 10:29 AM, Maria Gouskova wrote:
> Hi all,
> There seems to be a change in how LyX is handling paths to images--I
> haven't done the homework on tracking down if and when this was
> introduced, but I was wondering whether it would be something that
> could be undone?
> Here is the problem. I would like to be able to refer to the following:
> ~/place/to/file/image.pdf
> without LyX converting it to
> /home/dirname/place/to/file/image.pdf
> It didn't do this in the past, but seems to now. I don't think I've
> changed anything in the configuration.
> The reason I need paths to stay un-expanded on a per-user basis is
> that I sometimes switch computers, and sometimes am co-authoring with
> other people, so their home directories are obviously going to be
> different. Is there any way to force LyX to not edit those paths?
> I saw some discussion of relative paths on the list in the past, but
> it wasn't resolved, as far as I could see.
> Maria
Pending resolution of this, I can suggest a possible workaround. It 
assumes that the other computers you work on are running some form of 
Linux and that their owners are cooperative. On each machine, you could 
create, in the directory containing the LyX file, a separate symlink to 
each directory used in the document, and then use the names given to 
those symlinks in the image paths. For example:

ln -s ~/place/to/file/ imagePath (in the directory containing the .lyx file)

and then give the graphic path to LyX as the relative path 

It's a bit of a PITA, but on my system it seems to work.


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