I sometimes need to use German words in my documents, however every time
I try to insert a German "ß" it shows as a "SS" when viewing (or
printing) postscript output. I normally use American English on a Red
Hat Linux 5.2 system, LyX 1.0.4pre4, with teTeX 1.0.
Anybody have any ideas as to why
Generally speaking you can improve the look of all the fonts in X. This
How-To is very helpful especially for large displays.
Talk is cheap because the supply vastly exceeds the demand.
rest of
my gtk+ apps.
Screenshot: http://web.infoave.net/~ctdole/lyx_screenshot.jpg
Thanks for the help,
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.
The upgrade helped. I only get an error the first time I output to dvi
or the printer. If I ignore the error and try again it works. I am going
recompile LyX now that I have upgrade the tetex package and see if that
Intel: where Quality is job number 0.999878
vi view) I get the \begin{document} error. Could it have to do with my
tex package? I running tetex-0.4pl8-11 which came with Red Hat 5.1.
Perhaps it's time to upgrade. Not knowing raw LaTex I wouldn't know how
to add something to the preamble.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
I ran options-reconfigure and still got an error the first time I tried
to view dvi. Then I highlighted and deleted the error and viewed dvi
again and no error was reported. Off I go to upgrade the TeTex package.
Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan wrote:
> I'm running tetex-0.9-6 on Redhat
My printer has been broken for some time now and it has been a really
long time since I've printed anything. I borrowed a friends printer and
when trying to print Lyx documents that I wrote with Lyx 1.0.1 under my
recently compiled Lyx 1.0.2pre3 I get a Missing \begin{document} error.
If I create
I made buttons to link my homepage back to the LyX website. So I thought
I would go ahead and share them with everybody. Steal them off of:
/etc/passwd is full -- go away!
I have had the same problem before and it drove me insane until I found
a fix. The first thing to try is to View > dvi TWICE. The first time you
will get an error ( missing \begin{document} ) but I find that the
second time you View > dvi latex ignores the error and works the way it
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