Hi there,

I am trying to create a bold index entry and not loose the hyperlink
from the number in the index to the page.

This is my simple document preamble in the document settings:

Here is what I got so far (all entered in the 'Keyword:' field of the
index dialog of LyX:
Keyword: Term -> Result: a nice hyperlinked index entry in normal font
Keyword: Term | textbf -> Result: an index entry without a hyperlink in
bold font
Keyword: Term | hyperbf -> the error 'Undefinded control sequence' with
the error line being '\item Term, \hyperbf{<pagenumber>}'

And there is the problem. In the documentation of glossaries, it says
that I need to include the glossaries package after the hyperref
package, but if I do so, I get the above error when using one of the
hyper<XX> formats. If I include the glossaries package first then there
is no error but also no hyperlink - same effect as using textbf.

I believe I'm not the only one trying to make some index page numbers
bold (e.g. to indicate the place of definition of a term) in LyX. If you
have any idea as to how to achieve this - with or without glossaries -
then please help me.

Thanks a lot,

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