Begin forwarded message:

From: Stefano Baroni <>
Date: September 12, 2009 8:27:06 AM MDT
To: James C.Sutherland <>
Subject: Re: "eqref" not working properly

On Sep 12, 2009, at 3:47 PM, James C. Sutherland wrote:

On Sep 12, 2009, at 7:06 AM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Stefano Baroni schrieb:

Hi! I am editing a file imported from raw LaTeX. After adding some text, I started inserting cross-references to equations selecting the "(<reference>)" style. Ti my surprise, the subsequent LaTeX compilation gives me errors because it cannot find a proper definition of the "\eqref{}" command.

Then AMSTeX is not properly installed. AMS is part of every LaTeX distribution so it seems to be a problem with your LaTeX distribution.

It is also possible that you have un-checked the "Use AMS math package automatically" in Document->Settings->Math Options.

bravo! you got it. Although I did not (consciously) uncheck anything. that option must have gone unchecked automaticaly upon importing a Latex file.

As a general remark, I really love LyX, but if I can make friendly criticism, I find its user interface a bit clumsy, especially in what concerns the setting of different options that is often hidden where you ("I" !!!) would not expect it.

thanks again for the great piece of software and for willing-to-help community of users


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