> In the layout files, the layouts that should appear before \maketitle
> are marked with
> InTitle 1
> So you should do the same for your Dummy layout.
> Hope this helps.
Perfect, that´s it. Thanks a lot (as so often in recent times :) )
Oliver Eichler, Dipl.-Ing.
> "Oliver" == Oliver Eichler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Oliver> Does anyone know how the tag \maketitle is placed? How does
Oliver> Lyx know the end of my title section. I would like to achieve
Oliver> something like:
Oliver> \newcommand Dummy[1]{\def\@dummy{#1}} ... \title{dd}
Does anyone know how the tag \maketitle is placed? How does Lyx know the end of
my title section. I would like to achieve something like:
\newcommand Dummy[1]{\def\@dummy{#1}}
now Lyx should set \maketitle, however it will place it a