> >I get a new hard disk, and I installed suse 9.3,
> with
> >this I installed lyx 1.3.5. I make several
> >installations with different options, (english US,
> >spanish, english UK, for default language, etc.)
> >Spellchecker no work in any case. I make trial with
> >export LANG=es_ES, I get that lyx appears with
> menu,
> >but spellchecker no work.
> >Marcelo
> >
> Did you install dictionaries for aspell as well?
> Installing aspell only installs the executable
> program.  It does not install any dictionaries, you
> must do that too before you can spellcheck.
> What happens if you create a short plaintext file
> with some spelling errors and run
> aspell test.txt
> on the command line? 
> If this doesn't work, then aspell cannot possibly
> work with lyx either.  If this works but lyx
> spellchecking doesn't, then the problem is in lyx
> somehow.
> Helge Hafting
Helge, Stephen,
aspell and ispell are correctly installed.

>From Lyx 1.4.0pre5, and for first time, keyboard
work OK. Until four day early I was using 1.3.7 and
testing 1.4.0pre3. Now, with pre5, I not need keymap
and not need strange key for accented characters.
With this I discovered that an option of Preferences
that in any 1.3.x no work for me ---Use Input
Encoding--- now, and only with ispell ---not with
work correctly.
With (aspell or lyx 1.3.x) and (Use Input Encoding) I
get word cuted or stranges characters by acented
Thanks to all. I am very happy.

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