On 7/12/19 4:38 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> I am having trouble with the spacing of enumerated list items and it might be 
> related to the use of the package flushend which I believe sometimes causes 
> white space issues in other situations, but usually by _adding_ vertical 
> space.
> I am using a slightly modified version of the Document style.
> Here is a screen shot (I hope this lists accepts attachments) of my LyX file. 
> FWIW the problem appears near the end of a three-page document.
> Here is a screen shot of the rendered PDF, showing that the list items are 
> not spaced correctly, being too close together, even closer than the normal 
> line spacing:
> Here is the LyX screen shot after deleting the word “this” thus shortening 
> the second list item:
> And here is the PDF screen shot with what I believe is the proper item 
> vertical spacing:
> What is going on? Is this a flushend problem or something else? The problem 
> seems to go away when I delete some paragraphs so that the list appears in a 
> different position on the page.

That makes it sound to me like a flushend problem. I would guess that it
may sometimes reduce interline space.


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