On 30.08.2018 17:26, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 08/29/2018 07:13 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
Slightly OT:
Is there somebody who uses Jabref as a reference manager under
Linux-Mint successfully and could give me a hint how he/she
succeeded? I am always getting
java -jar Jabref-4.3.1.jar
Error: Unable to access jarfile Jabref-4.3.1.jar
I tried under Linux-mint 18.3 Sylvia openjdk version "1.8.0_181",
and Java SE Runtime environment of Oracle, and have set the Path in
/etc/profile to
export JAVA_HOME=/home/wolfgang/java/jre-10.0.2
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
I use JabRef on the same setup (Mint 18.3, Oracle runtime) with no
problems. I installed JabRef from the repositories (using Software
Manager), which means I've got version 2.10. I don't know why the
repos are so far behind.
In any case, I downloaded the 4.3.1 jar file just now and ran it
successfully with exactly the same command line you used. I opened the
terminal in the folder where the jar file was located. Is it possible
that you are in a different directory and just need to supply the path
to the jar file?
Thanks, Paul.
I have my JabRef-4.3.1.jar file in my home under /JABREF
If I mouseclick on it, it opens alright. If I open it in a terminal, I
am told:
wolfgang@wolfgang-Mr-Whisper-Ultra-SSD-II:/mnt/sdb/we/JABREF-4.3.1$ java
-jar JabRef-4.3.1.jar
17:58:43.101 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR org.jabref.logic.l10n.Localization
- Messages are not initialized before accessing Your current Java
version (%0) is not supported. Please install version %1 or higher.
So I can work with it, but I do not understand the terminal message.
Perhaps somebody had an idea, what's going wrong here.