I want to convert a LyX 1.3.3 document to HTML. I have tth 3.5.8 installed. While tth works fine and I get a html document, I have one (seemingly) unsurmountable problem at this time.
I would like to get in the HTML file the following line
Link to <a href="http://slashdot.org">slashdot</a>.
When I create a lyx file (using the GUI), it contains the following line
Link to \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl[slashdot]{http://slashdot.org}\end_inset
I get after running Export to HTML (which uses tth 3.5.8) in the HTML file
Link to slashdot <a href="http://slashdot.org"><tt>http://slashdot.org</tt></a>
in the html file which is not what I want.
The above is just an example. I do not really want to create a link to slashdot.org.
I googled for help and got a whole bunch of gobbledygook about IfFileExists and url.sty etc which I don't understand at all. Also, I'm using article as the document class. I don't see an html or url class in my pulldown menu of document classes. When I do a Reconfigure of lyx, I see that a url package is installed. Should I use \usepackage{url} or some such in the preamble? Is the problem with tth and not with lyx (assuming that I am not the problem)?
Thanks for any help Anand