Back in December, I was working on a research project which was winding down, 
and we were drafting the final report.  The team leader complained to me that 
he could not see a reasonable way to get everything into a decent looking 
report using MS Word. He was having a lot of trouble with cross-references in 

So I suggested using LyX, and installed it on his laptop for him.

After a day working with it, he became enthusiastic about LyX, and over the 
next few weeks I received occasional phone calls asking how to achieve some 
particular layout, etc.

Finally, he called to tell me he had delivered the report to the client.

Yesterday I was visiting him, and he showed me the final paper version of the 
report.  It certainly does look impressive.  I don't think any other system 
could produce a document with 458 pages, over 400 figures, and a bibliography 
of about 100 items.  Especially with cross-references and citations on nearly 
every page.

And this was put together by one person in about three weeks.
Les Denham

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