Re: problems with layout files and converters - lyx for windows

2004-03-26 Thread Paul Smith
the first problem i've had with this port is that i can't create pdfs using pdflatex. i get "bad command or file name" even though the tex bin/ folder is in the path. Now, I use Linux, but, before, I worked with Ruurd's LyX version for win32 and I can tell you that I could run pdflatex with no

RE: problems with layout files and converters - lyx for windows

2004-03-25 Thread Rob S
> is this a good port to be using? AFAIK - Sure is! Use Lyx 1.3.3 though. > the first problem i've had with this port is that i can't create pdfs > using pdflatex. i get "bad command or file name" even though the tex > bin/ folder is in the path. other converters like the dvi one work for > e

problems with layout files and converters - lyx for windows

2004-03-25 Thread navaja
i'm installing lyx on a windows 98 pc. i used the port at apparently this is more up to date than claus' one. it doesent require you to install x as well which is a bonus. is this a good port to be using? the first problem i've had with this port is tha