
I've a question.

I'm writing my diploma with LyX.
What I want to achieve is to increase the number of pages.
The margin is wide enough, if I increase linespacing, it doesn't look
very nice.

The last thing to try is the \looseness

There is an \everypar command, but after a few paragraphs (at the next
chapter, or the next enumerated list??) the effect appears.

I know, because I set \looseness to 5 and \tolerance to 10000
Is there a way to really set \looseness in *EVERY* paragraph?


+-[Kontra, Gergely @ Budapest University of Technology and Economics]-+
|         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|  URL:   turul.eet.bme.hu/~kgergely    Mobile: (+36 20) 356 9656     |
+-------"Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy poroltoval kellene jarnom!"-------+
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