Re: [M100] Hello, and REX question

2019-05-12 Thread Dan Higdon
If I get anything working, I will definitely be bragging about it here. :) A sequencer feels like it's going to need some assembly language for the timer callback. I'm passably comfortable with 8080 assembly language, but I'm still working out the development toolchain. BYTEIT.BA is a great little

Re: [M100] tpdd1 util disk

2019-05-12 Thread you got me
well, if you need any images, these are the ones I have. You will need to use the PDD program to make disks.!AgRHXuUu57CegiLFKHbqZljy7En6!AgRHXuUu57CegiRK7aYkxio3Y27B!AgRHXuUu57CegiPDbZQoLAqeydIM From