Re: [M100] M100 overclock

2020-11-06 Thread Stephen Adolph
To continue the exploration on overclock, I have assembled a proper clock synthesizer which can generate any clock from 2.5M to 10M. It uses a 74HC4046 PLL chip, a 10 divider and a 250kHz to 1MHz source clock. So this will let me finely tweak clock period to try and estimate safe overclock. My

Re: [M100] REXCPM playing and observations

2020-11-06 Thread Philip Avery
Good news is it's going to rain for a few days here, so I can spend time inside & improve M100 CP/M by: - increase Directory size from 256 entries to 512. - make Import/Export "user" friendly. ie for user area to remain constant before & after. Thought I'd let CP/Mers know this so they can de

Re: [M100] REXCPM playing and observations

2020-11-06 Thread Bert Put
Hi Philip, On 10/29/20 3:53 PM, Philip Avery wrote: > Hi Jim > > Fear not, we can increase the size of the Directory making full use of > 4MB. This will require BIOS changes & an OS update. That means... at > present you'll have to re-import all your user files. I'll vote for an expanded direct