I added a couple of options:
H: Hexadecimal addresses
D: Decimal addresses
L: List on LCD
C: List to COM port (for scrolling, saving, printing etc.)
Timings (seconds for 50 lines):
HL: 39 (As the previous version)
DL: 36
HC: 19
DC: 17
One last minute addition: the variable W in line 160 is t
On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 7:16 PM Mike Stein wrote:
> That's odd; can't your terminal program just wait forever for the next
> dump? If it times out, can't you override that?
Sure, it's actually even easier to just let it all accumulate in one file.
It just hadn't occurred to me to do it that wa
On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 7:28 PM John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> You could always script it out to do a git commit after every ctrl-z
Sometimes, I don't know if you're joking or not... I mean, yes, that's
brilliant and should work. But, oh boy. Once again, you've got my brain
turning on completely n
This is the period-accurate pre-Git equivalent ;-)
We're doing it the hard way, without VirtualT, REX etc.; more fun that way ...
- Original Message -
From: John R. Hogerhuis
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2022 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [M100] Notoriously S.L
You could always script it out to do a git commit after every ctrl-z
-- John.
That's odd; can't your terminal program just wait forever for the next
dump? If it times out, can't you override that?
It probably won't matter with a small file like this but I've found that at
19200 even TEXT has trouble keeping up when downloading. The M100 doesn't
have hardware handshaking and
That sounds like a nice workflow. This ought to be in a FAQ of tips and
hints for people new to the M100.
I might just try it out. I'm pretty rigorous about using *SAVE
"COM:98N1ENN"*, but I have to tell my Unix box to receive the file each
time (cp /dev/ttyUSB0 foo.do). And every copy I save over