I just bought a few tapes on eBay, gambling that they may have some obscure 
software on them. One of the tapes had a label with a filename that ended in 
.DO, so it was an educated guess.
Two of the three tapes have files that my Model 100 can "see", but none of the 
files load, with the operation interupted by a DS error. I had this problem 
loading a program by PCSG, which was operator error. I was supposed to load one 
of those programs by going into TEXT and loading (F2) it from within there. 
These programs aen'e loading from there either.
I have also tried  CLOAD and LOAD"CAS: from within BASIC to no avail. I am not 
certain these programs are for a Model 100, but they sure "sound" like TRS-80. 
One of the tapes has a "program" in front of the program I am trying to load 
that doesn't sound like the rest of the them and the computer does not see that 
one. It's a much higher pitch, and doesn't have the breaks every few seconds 
that TRS-80 tapes have.
One other thing one of the programs does is that the Model 100's relay drops 
out everytime the noise drops for that second or two and then pulls back in. 
Does the Model 1 use the same .do that the 100 does? (I think they don't use 
extensions because they use different commands for basic vs machine programs, 
One tape has three files on it: PMEXP, PMACT, and PMTSKD. They all have 
filenames six letters or less. The other tape has a file calles CASSET, which 
is also six letters. 

I am using AC adapters with both the tape player and the computer, and I've 
typed sound off before starting trying to load. The tape player is a CCR82, and 
the volume is set to P, which typically gives me good results (but these are 
home brew tapes).
Any other tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
J White

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