*THANK YOU* to everyone who responded. The list I found did list Commodore
Business Machines and I sort of felt this this was the intended meaning,
but I wanted to be sure since this group is for the Radio Shack M100 and
not the Commodore any model. I do agree the  Commodore computers were

Bradley Kuss - Granbury TX

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Wilson <wilso...@gmail.com>
To: M100 Mailing List <m...@bitchin100.com>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 23:44:07 -0700
Subject: Re: [M100] Definition of CBM requested from calcmandan (me <
The initialism CBM stands for Commodore Business Machines, as Doug said.


Tom Wilson

On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 10:16 PM Doug Jackson <d...@doughq.com> wrote:

> I assumed it was Commodore Business Machines (Another awesome vintage line
> of machines)
> Kindest regards,
> Doug Jackson
> em: d...@doughq.com
> ph: 0414 986878
> Check out my awesome clocks at www.dougswordclocks.com
> Follow my amateur radio adventures at vk1zdj.net
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Just like an old fashioned letter, this email and any files transmitted
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> your own use.
> Please note that any interesting spelling is usually my own and may have
> been caused by fat thumbs on a tiny tiny keyboard - for this I apologise in
> advance - It's ok bec**** we don* nee* accu**** tex* to unde****** actu**
> mean***.
> Should any part of this message prove to be useful in the event of the
> imminent Zombie Apocalypse then the sender bears no personal, legal, or
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> liability. :-)
> Be nice to your parents.
> Go outside and do something awesome - Draw, paint, walk, Setup a
> radio station, go fishing or sailing - just do something that makes you
> happy.
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 3:15 PM Bradley Kuss <bradleyk...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> calmandan,
>> Can you (or anyone else) tell me what you mean by CBM?
>> When I searched for CBM on the Internet none of the expansions made sense
>> to me regarding your use of the acronym.
>> Bradley Kuss - Granbury TX
>> _______________________________________________
M100 mailing list

Bradley R Kuss
GRANBURY  TX 76048-7647
682-803-0161 (Land Line)

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