In the requested object at the URL
a threat has been detected:
object infected HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic
If you are still connected to the m...@list.30below.com take care. (I have
removed the full malicious URL in the warning above and the message below)
I'm going to try and unbsubscribe from this list. If not possible, I'm blocking
the e-mail address and report the whole list as spam.
I assume that Robert Merchberger isn't there any more to manage that list. If
anyone has an address of 'Merch', could they try to find out what happened to
him, or contact him? He has moved on, apparently, one way or the other. Maybe
someone could contact the 30below.com domain admin to take the list down?
Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
Jan-80 """""
@ work ( @ @ )
-----Original Message-----
From: m...@list.30below.com [mailto:m...@list.30below.com] On Behalf Of
Jonathan Rose <jonathanr...@nofjkt.co.id>
Sent: vrijdag 2 oktober 2015 11:08
To: larrygirardey; wasp; quickpad unsubscribe; m100; d rose35; starlight
church; pagan network; ipaq1945; jrose; d rose35; ipaq1945; jjohnston;
scrounger318; ahbreynard; toby wickwire; loriejohnsonrocks; loriejohsonrocks;
psic; dan; arcananyx
Subject: From: Jonathan Rose
Jonathan Rose
Sent from my iPhone
[http://www.vivaqua.be/facebook.png] Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook - Volg ons op
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