
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Panna Youth Centre
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:10 PM
Subject: [Spam]: [Harvest] June breeze - A matter of Faith

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Buddha in the City

Dear friends,

The month of June never fails to signal that half a year has gone by. This
morning was breezy. While waiting for the lift to land on my storey, I
happened to catch a glimpse of a rainbow.


Considering that I took a two day leave , I had worked only three days this
week! Feeling jealous of me yet? Today I was engulfed by a huge wave of
laziness. I did a lot of things in the office but most of it were
non-work-related. Like surfing tech news and chatting on MSN.

But why is it I still make it a point to read the Lotus Sutra and pray every
day and do not experience Buddha in my life? This is one of the most common
questions I hear from buddhists. Sometime back, I read a Pst. Gerald's
article on Faith that specifically to deal with the issue. Perhaps it is
worth revisiting at this point. The experience of Buddha in our lives, His
blessings, His freedom, His forgiveness, His love, His power and His healing
are essentially what is encompassed by his Grace. Lord Buddha attained
Enlightenment specifically so that we can experience these things. Salvation
is not just about going to heaven after we die but to experience in this
life the blessings of Lord Buddha.

Meanwhile, enjoy the June breeze ...

Praise Lord Buddha for all the wonders !

Yours in faith,

spiritual wellness [ pst. eric.tan ]




True Wealth

Once there was a wealthy businessman who lived in a penthouse with a
breathtaking view of the city. He had a childhood friend who was poor but
happy. This friend had a loving wife who adored him and greatly appreciated
how hard he worked to provide for the family. The tycoon was a successful
businessman and had to spend many evenings away from home socializing and
finalizing business deals. He was quite envious of his friend's simple
lifestyle and thought to himself, "What is the point of having all this
money if I cannot enjoy it? My friend may be poor, but he is enjoying a
wonderful life with his wife. Sometimes I wish my life could be more like

One day, someone told him, "If you want to be more like your friend, just
give some of your money to him." He was tickled with the suggestion and
decided to give his poor friend two hundred thousand dollars, a small
fraction of what he had. The poor couple was ecstatic. They thought the
money was the best thing that could happen to them. When night fell, they
began to worry about how to safeguard their newfound wealth. Should they put
it in the drawer? Someone might steal it. How about under the mattress? That
did not sound like such a good hiding place, either. Worried about their
fortune, they hardly got a wink of sleep that night. After a few days, they
began to argue about how best to use the money. The wife wanted to do one
thing, while the husband wanted to do something different. Their fights
almost destroyed their marriage. Upon reflection, they realized that all
their problems had started when they were given the money. They decided to
return the money to their tycoon friend, instead.

This is of course a parable, but there is a valuable lesson here. Money can
solve many problems, but it can also create many new ones. Our happiness
depends more on our personal integrity and how we feel about ourselves, as
well as the quality of our relationships, then on how much money we have in
our bank accounts.

We came into this world empty-handed, and we will leave the world the same
way. The sutras say, "We cannot take anything with us; only karma shadows us
everywhere." While this may sound obvious, many of us do not necessarily
take it to heart.

The Buddha shows us by example a good way to relate to our wealth. He was
just as happy with a simple robe as he was with a royal garment. He enjoyed
the food that he collected from his alms rounds as much as the food that was
offered to him when he was the guest of honor. He could sleep under a tree
and yet was equally at ease in a royal palace. The Buddha was always at ease
with his circumstances. The distinctions of rich and poor, coarse and fine,
or fame and rejection had no bearing on his inner peace; this is true
affinity with the material world.

It is one thing to be poor in a monetary sense; it is quite another to be
lacking spiritually. All too often we look outside of ourselves in our
pursuit of wealth when the greatest wealth of all is right within us. The
store of treasure within our hearts and minds is inexhaustible, and it is up
to us to mine this internal wealth. If we know how to recognize and apply
the treasure within, we are wealthy in the truest sense of the word.

city.opinion [ by marcus ]


The Da Vinci Code movie opened recently has created enough stir among the
Christian community, mostly, if not all were condemning the portrayal of
Jesus as human being, instead of son of God.

The scenario is different in the case of Buddhism. The Buddha acknowledged
that He is different from the normal human beings. He is the awakened one.
However, He said that all human beings have the equal opportunities to
attain the awakening state like His. All of us have the capabilities to be
liberated from the cycle of birth and death. The obstacle is the dust that
covers our eyes from seeing the Truth, the Dhamma. Depending on the extent
of dust, some people will hardly have chance to taste the Dhamma. Some
people, while listening to Dhamma, would strive to attain the awakening.

Back to the Da Vinci Code, a simple message is that it does not matter
whether Jesus were married and had descendants. What matters most is the
teaching. The Buddha was previously married to Yasodhara and the then Prince
Siddhartha had a son, Rahula. The Buddha moved on and eventually He returned
to help Yasodhara and Rahula advance their spiritual path.

In our religion - Buddhism, our faith in the Buddha is derived from His
teachings, His Compassion  and His Wisdom.  His objective is simple - to
alleviate the sufferings of human beings. The key lies in our heart - to
open the door of our heart to receive His wisdom.

true.meaning.of.vesak [Pst. Calvin Teo]


The Lord Buddha Buddha once said,

Even as any seed and plant grows, increases, and expands, based upon the
Earth, established upon the Earth, so too, similarly here, based upon
Morality, established upon Morality, do anyone develop and cultivate the
Noble 8-fold Way, and thereby he attains to growth, to increase, & expansion
in all advantageous states. And how does one do so? Hereby:

Right View, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Motivation, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Speech, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Action, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Livelihood, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Effort, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Awareness, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing, and
culminating in release.
Right Concentration, which is based upon seclusion, disillusion, ceasing,
and culminating in release.

It is in this way, friends, that one based upon Morality, established upon
Morality, develops and
cultivates this Noble 8-fold Way, and thereby he attains to growth, to
increase, and to expansion in and
of any advantageous mental state.

>based on samyutta nikaya





For the sake of those who seek the Buddha's Way
do they make manifest their extraordinary activities:
the sound of the Buddha clearing their throats
and the sound of their snapping their fingers
is heard everywhere throughout the lands in all the ten quarters, and the
earth trembles in six ways.

                                  - The Lotus Sutra Chapter 21



Dear Lord Buddha,

I pray for courage as I begin this day, for I understand there is work to be
done, burdens to be carried, feelings to be shared and joys to be

Grant me the courage to be silent that I may hear your voice; to persevere,
that I may share your victory; and to remember, lest I forget the way by
which you have led me.

And when this day is done, may I have the courage to see your guiding hand
in the friendships that have been made, in the hurts that have been healed,
in your presence that I have rejoiced, and in the strength that has been



What is Love ?

Love is strengthening. It keeps you going when the odds are against you. By
merely thinking of her you can be encouraged to move forward with renewed
strength and vigour. It is the thought that greets you every single day when
your eyes are opened, to face new and existing challenges each day. It
provides a purpose to everything that you do, and is also the driving force
that motivates you to last till the end of the day; something to look
forward to, be it a meeting, the journey home together, dinner. anything. It
is the hand that holds you when you fall, and you find yourself not just
standing again, but lifted high. It is inspirational too, because it gives
you a belief that you never possessed, to do things you never thought
possible, to feel what you never felt before... to love like you never did

To be continued...



PYC's Vesak Fund Raising Drive was a success and managed to raise more than
20 thosand dollars for our building fund. We thank all our volunteers,
workers, coordinators and donars for their contribution in either way.

PYC also recieved a donation cheque from "Xing Jun Temple" and Venerable Wu
Yuan for this Vesak season.

We thank all for the support to realize PYC in the near future.

>> Stay tuned for reports and issues of PYC's new home the next issue.

question mark ?


Is Buddhism a pagan religion ?

"Paganism" is usually used to refer to belief in a god or gods other than
the normally accepted Christian God. However, Buddhists don't concern
themselves about God or god(s). Buddhists concern themselves with the
Dhamma, which is not a god or gods. It is "truth" or "reality." Thus, when
sad or tragic events occur in our lives or the lives of our loved ones - as
they inevitably will - Buddhists don't have to ask "Why did this happen?"
This is because Buddhists don't hold onto the belief that there is a god
"looking out" for his or her welfare. Buddhism is really an attitude of
accepting the inevitable changes or impermanence of life, and of being
grateful for every moment we are alive.




Hot! Hot! Hot ! Panna Youth Centre will be holding a Leadership Training
Course for aspirational youths to take up the task of spreading Buddhism and
management of Buddhist organization. If you think you have the calibre to
lead, email us
l.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED];');>

If you are interested in composing music, internet skills and writing
articles, use your talents to be a "push factor" for Buddhism. Please
contact us and share with us your dreams.

hey.who.r.u ?


PANNA YOUTH CENTRE based in Singapore is an independant & non-profitable
Buddhist organisation managed by a team of buddhist youths dedicated to the
promotion of buddhist youths & evangelism with a unified belief in the
Saving Grace of the Buddha. Making out-reach as the core practise, we are
well known for dynamic & modern force in preaching and touching the lives of
many with the word of the Buddha.

BUDDHA IN THE CITY with almost 20,000 subscribers as one of the largest
buddhist list, is an e-publication of panna youth centre with aims to share
monthly dosage of sermons, buddhist quotes, inspirational stories &
activities of pyc.



The Buddha says that the Gift of Truth is the best gift one can offer as
sweet dew to the thirsty.

If you find our e-zine meaningful, please share it wither others. We also
welcome you to contribute articles on how your wish to reform buddhism or
how buddhism has changed your life.

Donations & prayer requests welcomed !

buddha.in.the.city is brought to you by:

.pannayouthcentre.org/;');> panna.youth.centre
20 Maxwell Road #07-18C, Maxwell House Singapore 069113
.pannayouthcentre.org/;');> www.pannayouthcentre.org  Email:
l.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED];');>

You can reach our editorial team at
l.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED];');>

Copyright C 2006 Panna Youth Centre


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